What you need to know about OTT and CTV marketing

Adapting to the digital age with multiple screens

OTT/CTV marketing can place your non-skippable ads right in front Americans stream 8 billion hours of content per month, and 204 million U.S. viewers are predicted to watch CTV in 2022. OTT/CTV marketing can place your non-skippable ads right in front of your prospects  while they’re streaming their favorite show. Here’s what you need to know.

What’s the difference between OTT/CTV?

Over-the-top (OTT) marketing is when ads are delivered directly from the internet. This happens because a customer is streaming content online, like when they’re watching Hulu on their tablet.

Connected TV (CTV) marketing is when ads are served on an internet-connected television, whether it is a smart TV or a traditional TV connected to a streaming device, such as a Roku, AppleTV, or Amazon’s Fire Stick.

What are the benefits of using OTT/CTV?

OTT/CTV ads, which are usually 15-30 seconds long, are the best way to reach your targeted audience while they are streaming a show, in an unexpected and less conventional way.

“One of the major benefits to CTV/OTT is the ability to closely mimic traditional TV advertising, while also targeting a specific, custom-built audience. This allows clients to be much more efficient with their video advertising budget and helps maximize their brand awareness in their target market,” says Trey Byers, Digital Marketing Manager at Fusable.

Most ads are used to build brand awareness, since these are mostly video ads, but certain OTT ads do have click-through capabilities since they are typically on internet-connected mobile devices.

Plus, most OTT/CTV ads are not skippable, meaning you benefit from an incredibly high view-through rate.

How does OTT/CTV work?

After determining the audience you would like to reach with Fusable, we can use our proprietary data to build your custom audience so you can target them with your ads, when and where you want them viewed.

You can even combine geofencing with this method to track in-store visits by users who have been served your ads.

Metrics tracked won’t differ much between OTT and CTV, as you’ll mostly be focusing on view-through rates and impressions, though with some OTT ads you can also measure click-through rate as well.


OTT/CTV marketing is a powerful tool for placing your ads right in front of your audience. Targeting them with non-skippable ads can raise brand awareness and draw more online or in-store traffic to your dealerships, making this a great strategy to add to your marketing arsenal.

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