Total Landscape Care Editor, Jill Odom, Takes Home Three Awards

We would like to take the time to congratulate Fusable’s very own, Jill Odom, who was recognized for her work at this year’s 27th annual TOCA Communications Award meeting. The event was held on May 4th in Tampa, Florida to honor members who have exhibited excellence in the fields of writing, design, photography/AV, new media, and special projects.  In addition to Merit and First place award recognition, the top winners in the marketing and publishing categories were presented with a Gardner Award.
A winner of two previous TOCA Merit awards at the 2016 meeting (for her articles, “How the Poinsettia Came to Be the Christmas Plant” and “Design-Build Making the Most of Confined Spaces“), Jill took home an additional three awards this year. She received a Merit award for, “With Hardscapes, Solved Problems Become Works of Art” and took home a First Place award for her work on “Designers Embrace Bountiful Challenges Of Rooftop Gardens“, which also went on to claim a Gardner award.
2017 TOCA Award Winners

Jill (bottom row, fifth from the right) pictured with fellow TOCA award winners.

When asked about her time at the festivities, Jill had this to say, “I was truly shocked that I received the Gardner Award. It is a great honor to be recognized by my peers for producing quality work. The article is a favorite of mine, so I was tickled that others enjoyed it so much as well.”
Jill was recently promoted to the editor position at Total Landscape Care this past December after having been a part of the Fusable family since July of 2015. We wish to once again congratulate Jill for her continuing commitment to produce quality writing and her outstanding work with TLC. We look forward to enjoying her many articles and contributions in the future.

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