Marketing for a dealership presents unique challenges. Mostly targeting. You have a very specific prospect and more than likely a very specific area of responsibility. This makes advertising more complicated. Mass marketing is out of the question. So what works? In order from top to bottom, here are the top 6 marketing resources for equipment dealers
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1. Facebook
Facebook has become the king of targeting. I won’t go into all the targeting parameters, but it’s possible to reach the exact prospect that will buy from you. And if you’re managing multiple locations, Facebook allows you to manage all the advertising for each location from one page. You can run call-only campaigns, feature multiple pieces of equipment through carousel ads, and collect lead information easily through lead ads. If you aren’t using Facebook for business yet, get on it.
How we can help
Simply put, audience. We have access to an audience that can empower your campaigns. It allows you to target by almost any relevant parameter, be it equipment ownership, age, or affinity.
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2. Paid Search
People in the buying phase use search engines. It’s that simple. If you’re not found on Google, when somebody is performing relevant searches, you’re not in the game. First order of business, make sure you are being found. Google search has many extensions that can make your life easy. Call extensions, SMS extensions, and Google Shopping campaigns all escort buyers directly to the sale.
How we can help
Unless you have someone dedicated to running your search, I suggest outsourcing. You will need to update ads as inventory changes, manage bidding, and monitor your spend. This requires constant attention and expertise that we can provide.
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3. Data Platforms
This is both a shameless plug and a call to the “light side” of marketing. Marketing and sales for every company needs to be data-driven. Mass marketing in the dark is dead, or at least should be. Fusable’s EDA let’s you know exactly who you are trying to reach, what your messaging should be, and the best timing of that messaging. It doesn’t stop there. It gives you forecasting abilities, market share, and can shape your overall strategy. I promise I’m not being hyperbolic. Whether you are an EDA subscriber or not. You need some source of reliable prospect data.
How we can help
This is pretty obvious. Subscribe to EDA. Come to the “light.”
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4. Marketing Automation
How did marketing teams function before marketing automation? I think I could more easily part with my cell phone than my marketing automation platform (my wife might say otherwise). If you want to nurture your prospects, build loyalty, support your aftermarket sales and service, you need marketing automation. Essentially, marketing automation allows you to personalize your marketing and follow up with prospects based on their interactions with you. It’s a must.
How we can help
Advice. Get a marketing automation platform!
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5. Craigslist
We have seen success for our clients using Craigslist, especially on the used equipment side of things. Craigslist is pretty simple. Pick your market or locations such as Dallas. Then pick your product category. It’s important that your listings include a trackable phone number. You will want to know if your listing is driving phone calls.
How we can help
Just like google shopping, you need someone on top of inventory. If you have that person, great. If not, we can manage the whole process for you.
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6. Remarketing
Good ol’ remarketing. Has it been that long? Is remarketing old school now? Debatable, maybe, but it still works. People will come to your website, check out your inventory, and then bounce around the internet. Remarketing keeps you top-of-mind. It reminds them that “oh yeah, I was looking at equipment earlier.” Theoretically, it only reaches those that have shown interest, taking care of your targeting conundrums. It’s simple but effective.
How we can help
To set up remarketing you will need to place the appropriate code on your website, set up the campaign in Adwords, and design the banners. If this seems like a bit much, outsourcing to Fusable takes care of all 3 items.
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