Our Top 5 Posts of the Year

My goodness what a year. To recap 2016: Lots of bad stuff happened and the Cubs won the World Series. Oh come on now some good things happened too!
It’s been a great year here at Fusable. We’ve had staff members and publications lauded for excellence, we’ve launched new verticals, gained new Google certifications, and put on some fantastic events.
But the crux of the matter for us is how well we did on your behalf. We strive for excellence each day so we can help you find your target, and your win. We tried our best to help you win in 2016 through our data, media, and marketing expertise, and hopefully, through practical, relevant content on this here blog.
On that note, listed below are the five posts that garnered the most pageviews in 2016. We hope you find our blog informative and enjoyable, and that you’ll feel free to contact us regarding any ideas, suggestions, or guest blogging possibilities in the new year.
As we ease into 2017, we wish you a happy, healthy new year, and boundless success!
Fusable’s Top 5 Blog Posts of 2016
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1. How to Waste Your Time at CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2017

Why did this post land the #1 slot? Factors at play here include: 1. CONEXPO-CON/AGG is HUGE. It’s the largest trade show in America, with more than 2,500 exhibitors, so this topic is of interest to a broad swath of people. 2. We ponied up to promote this post on Facebook, which extended its reach. 3. In a study of more than 1 million articles, Buzzsumo found that ‘articles with an image once every 75-100 words got double the amount of shares of articles with fewer images, and a minimum of 30 more shares than articles with more.’   
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2. The Evolution of Media: Content Marketing Infographic

Infographics tend to be liked or shared three times more than other content forms.
Beyond infographics, people can’t get enough content marketing about content marketing. Consider these stats from the Content Marketing Institute:

  • 88% of B2B marketers use content marketing in their marketing strategies
  • While content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing, it generates more than three times as many leads

Something to keep in mind for the year ahead as you plan (and budget).

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3. B2B Facebook Marketing Q&A: Stop Falling Behind

For this particular webinar, the Q&A time went longer than any other webinar we’ve done. Anytime you can be a source of helpful information for your audience, do it!
The other important hook here is obviously Facebook, which only continues to grow like crazy and improve as an ad platform. Facebook expects to rake in $30 billion in ads in 2017. Two million advertisers know that there is money, branding, and lead generation to be had on the king of the social giants. Any content around how to be better at advertising on Facebook is a good bet for the new year. 

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4. The Changing Role of Today’s Marketing Department

As a rule, people like to know what’s next. Another piece we did this year, The Future of Digital Advertising, became our most-downloaded white paper of all time. We also produced a 2017 Marketing Field Guide, which also dealt with industry trends, projections, and insight into which way the marketing winds seem to be blowing.

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5. Driver Recruiting Techniques: Keeping Up with the Times

Another powerful motivator is not wanting to be left out or left behind. Tapping into this fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a good starting point for crafting content — especially as we all continue to grapple with and navigate our era’s great driver shortage.
Food for thought as you develop your content marketing strategy for the new year!  
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