Next Stop, Great American Trucking Show!

In just a few weeks, members of the trucking industry will be gathered together in Dallas, TX for the Great American Trucking Show. The Great American Trucking Show is one of the premier trucking industry events, bringing together tens of thousands of attendees and exhibitors in one location.

Don’t miss out on your chance to be part of this outstanding event!

GATS allows exhibitors to get their brand and message in front of a large cross-section of the trucking industry. Exhibitors have the unique opportunity to generate the right impressions and network with potential business partners.
[testimonial author=”Paul Sly, Chevron Delo Lubricants”]We have had really good interface with our customers, we have a good customer base that is here. We get to talk with people who are already customers, and those who are thinking about becoming customers . . . We can take the ideas that they bring to us, and it helps us develop the right products that are important to them.[/testimonial]
The Great American Trucking Show is being held August 21 – 23 in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, TX. Exhibitor registration and booth purchase information can all be found here.
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