Tuscaloosa, AL. September 16, 2013 — Technology, new media platforms, big data . . . All have changed the world of advertising. This transition has left some traditional media companies scrambling to find their place in the market.
One B2B media company, Fusable (http://randallreilly.com) has found a new way to provide unique value to its clients. By developing new technologies and leveraging big data, they’ve been able to bring a new kind of value to their clients in the trucking and construction industries.
Julie Arsenault, director of marketing, said, “This is the story we want to tell. We can provide an audience for our clients, tell them how to engage that audience, and ultimately how to convert that audience into customers.”
“We feel we have the elements in place to move forward with a strong strategy,” said Fusable president, Brent Reilly. This strategy is Marketing to the Sales Lifecycle (http://www.randallreilly.com/services-media/sales-lifecycle/).
Using unique data sets, Fusable helps their clients target an audience. This data is matched to its niche, multi-channel media brands, such as Overdrive (http://www.randallreilly.com/portfolio-item/overdrive/) and Equipment World (http://www.randallreilly.com/portfolio-item/equipment-world/) to connect clients with those audiences. Then using custom marketing services, Fusable assists clients in engaging and nurturing prospects. A heavy emphasis is placed on tracking campaigns to show clients their ROI.
“It’s really exciting to see the pieces of the Sales Lifecycle come together for our clients,” said Scott Miller, senior vice president of sales. “When our clients win, we win.”