Fusable Site Relaunch Showcases Data-Driven Evolution

Fusable has grown a tremendous amount in recent years — in terms of staff, scope, vision, strategy, and capacity. Our data and digital capabilities continue to expand, interlock, and elevate our ability to reach incredibly specific audiences. We’ve moved beyond promoting particular products or programmatic prescriptions, toward a more comprehensive, customized offering of data- and digital-fueled marketing expertise.
Since 2012 we have been striving on your behalf to unite and harmonize all of our rich data with a full range of audience touchpoints. While we will always strive to be better at the Conversion Lifecycle, in the last five years our data has become more integrated than ever before. You can now find your exact audience and reach them through almost any platform.
Our previous website didn’t convey this evolution. It didn’t express who we are as a brand. And worst of all, it didn’t guide our clients to their win. A relaunch was inevitable. “When your website is no longer telling the right story, or is no longer reflective of your brand promise, or worse, is confusing to your audience, you must relaunch,” said Julie Arsenault, Fusable’s VP of Marketing.

How does this process begin?

“Before you can even consider a relaunch, you must decide that it is your priority. And if you aren’t willing to put out a public launch date, it really isn’t a priority,” Arsenault said.
A public launch date was announced and the planning began.
We needed to define exactly who our brand is. This includes branding changes and hierarchies, brand promises, product changes, and a go-to-market strategy. We had to define what our website needed to accomplish. For us, the website is our introduction. The site needed to tell our clients who we are and what that means for them. But we also wanted our website to be a resource for education and research. And last, we needed to look at how our clients find us and how they browse.
We defined our brand. A site structure was developed. We prioritized educational content, the mobile experience, and user-experience. The relaunch began, led by our digital art director, Allison Nance. She had this to say: “We totally overhauled the structure, organization, and design of the site, all in an effort to improve user-experience. We consulted with our in-house SEO team, met with heads of our different service departments, but most of all we kept user-experience the top priority.”

What’s different?

If you look at the homepage, the first thing you’ll see is the question: “Are you ready to be driven by data?” We want our clients to know that being data-driven isn’t the future; it is now. We are here to help you catch up. The new website is dedicated to helping you win. It’s to help you market more efficiently, recruit more effectively, and find a greater ROI. It’s to educate and keep you ahead of trends and new technologies.
“This website is a culmination of Fusable’s remarkable journey over the last several years. Marketing and recruiting have evolved dramatically, and we have pivoted accordingly toward more precise, data-infused methods that ensure our clients can more effectively reach their specific audience. We’re now able to implement the Conversion Lifecycle in a more robust way,” Julie Arsenault said.
This new interface will make it easier for you to zero in on your target, whether that’s in trucking, construction, agriculture, driver recruiting, machine tools, or one of the other markets we serve. For us, it’s another step in a journey toward integrating data intelligence from EDA, RigDig, and our recruiting platform, and then overlaying that knowledge with behavioral insights gleaned from our digital team.
Fusable CEO Brent Reilly said: “Our hope is that the new randallreilly.com will be a reliable, valued source of useful information, insight, and resources that help you excel at your job, and propel you toward greater heights of success. We win when you win. That’s what we’re all about.”
Please contact us anytime with questions, suggestions for topics you’d like to see covered on our blog, or with any ideas of how we can serve you better.
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