Some marketing tactics may seem off limits thanks to an “old school” perception or even past misuse, but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to work for you. Take your lead generation or customer retention efforts to the next level with these three marketing tactics that others may pass over, but you know to be well worth incorporating.
1. Postcards
Some businesses might skip snail mail in favor of the immediacy and flexibility of digital ads, but direct mail marketing feels more personal and has a higher recall rate than digital ads.
Even when you’re sending out a small postcard, you have a lot of room to come up with an eye-catching design and snappy message. Consider tangible design aspects such as interactive mail pieces and textured paper.
This tactic is especially effective when used as a service reminder, lease expiration or promotional offer, like CAT’s folding postcard for a savings event.
[Click here to see how direct mail marketing keeps your business top-of-mind.]
2. Pop-up ads
Pop-up ads have been misused in the past and are often regarded as invasive and annoying. However, if done right, they can be a successful conversion tool and keep your users focused on your content. For example, pop-up ads that are designed to prevent exits, such as those triggered by a mouse leaving the browsing screen to presumably click the ‘back’ button, are actually shown to reduce bounce rates.
The key to a good pop-up ad is the value. If you’re interrupting the customer’s browsing experience, it has to be with an additional offer, incentive or something else they want. Use pop-ups with strong messages related to the content on the screen, like this one by Social Media Examiner.
3. Corporate gifts
Do branded pens at the back of someone’s drawer do any good? Well, they might do more than you think.
One A/B experiment saw that free gifts have a 26% response rate and more than doubled opportunity value. Place them at current touchpoints with your customers, such as after the first demo, or at new ones, like the one-year anniversary of a client’s purchase.
However, you should expand your creative thinking on premiums. The gifts should be useful and interesting in order to make a lasting impression. For example, the portable charger is a classic and extremely useful item for customers.
Remember that the context of the free gift is also important. Use messaging to tie the product into the company’s offer. For example, “Charge up your sales” relates the portable charger to how your business can benefit customers.
Don’t pass over a perfectly good marketing tactic just because you assume it won’t work. Your business can improve your lead generation or customer retention efforts with the help of tactics like direct mail, pop-up ads and free gifts. Dig into the research and use these tips to get it right and see results.
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