3 ways to cultivate brand advocates for positive word-of-mouth marketing

word of mouth illustration

Who does more for your brand than a highly satisfied customer? The answer: a passionate customer. Brand advocates are customers who enthusiastically share your company with others based solely on their own positive experiences. By leveraging their passion, you reach more customers and convert more leads than with traditional marketing alone. Brand advocates bring nearly […]

3 ways to cultivate brand advocates for positive word-of-mouth marketing

word of mouth illustration

Who does more for your brand than a highly satisfied customer? The answer: a passionate customer. Brand advocates are customers who enthusiastically share your company with others based solely on their own positive experiences. By leveraging their passion, you reach more customers and convert more leads than with traditional marketing alone. Brand advocates bring nearly […]

Print Does Have A Place In WOM Marketing

Print and WOM

The future of audience reach is content — Relevant, relatable content that is. Attempts at reaching you as a consumer, marketer, or influencer is relentless and at times, overwhelming, isn’t it? How do you decide what to pay attention to? Many factors come into play at various times but the determining factors are familiarity (brand […]