3 content marketing lessons to learn from masterful storytelling
The goal of content marketing is to engage your audience and strongly position your brand in the market. By using storytelling techniques to craft videos, articles and more, you share educational information, customer testimonials and brand stories that result in an increase in sales, an improved relationship with customers and an increase in retention. Just […]
Marketing Tells a Story – VIDEO
Why tell someone something when you can show them instead? A page with nothing but text can easily be skimmed over or ignored. Put some bright beautiful images on that same page and you will find people spend more time there. Why? We love visuals. Use every tool you have to tell a better story […]
Effective Marketing Tells a Story
Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] [two_third]Have you noticed that a lot of today’s biggest brands are telling stories with their ads? Don’t believe me? Did you happen to watch a little thing called the Super Bowl this year? The big game has become ground zero for advertisers looking to make a splash. This year […]
The Hero’s Journey can Take Your Content Marketing to New Heights
What exactly makes a B2B marketing campaign successful? This is a question that marketing teams around the world ask themselves everyday. With so many options and so much competition out there today, it’s incredibly difficult to find ways to differentiate themselves and stand out from the crowd. The whole point of marketing is to try […]
The Hero’s Journey can Take Your Content Marketing to New Heights
What exactly makes a B2B marketing campaign successful? This is a question that marketing teams around the world ask themselves everyday. With so many options and so much competition out there today, it’s incredibly difficult to find ways to differentiate themselves and stand out from the crowd. The whole point of marketing is to try […]
Want to Beat Your Competitors? Here Are Four Ways to Tell Better Stories
If you’re in marketing, recruiting, or sales, you’re in the storytelling business. And if you have competitors — whether you realize it or not — you’re in a storytelling arms race. Of course pricing, service, benefits, and customer experience are paramount for your business, but those who neglect the power of storytelling do so at […]
Who Died and Made Content King?
I am not a fan of buzz words. And the world of marketing is rife with them. Marketers tend to speak like they were smacked in the head with a business briefcase. We make up terms like “engagement metrics.” We never miss an opportunity to leverage something. And don’t get me started on the word […]
Who Died and Made Content King?
I am not a fan of buzz words. And the world of marketing is rife with them. Marketers tend to speak like they were smacked in the head with a business briefcase. We make up terms like “engagement metrics.” We never miss an opportunity to leverage something. And don’t get me started on the word […]
What Is the Hero’s Journey?
Marketers talk a lot about the Hero’s Journey for good reason. You need to tell a story, and the Hero’s Journey is the framework for effective storytelling. It allows you to put your audience in the center of the story, giving them the power to envision themselves as the hero and improve their situation. Yeah, […]
3 Perfect Examples of Brand Storytelling
All this week we’ve been talking about storytelling. First, we had The Science of Storytelling series, The Science of Storytelling, Part 1. Then I Breaking Down Serial: Telling a Good Story for you. However, this entire time I have shied away from giving you examples. Today, I am finally going to review a number of […]