The Digital Campaign Stats You Have to Track Now!
As a marketer, you need to prove that everything you are doing is providing value for your company. You can’t expect to keep your job or a large budget if management doesn’t believe what you are doing is helping the business accomplish its goals. With everything you have going on, sometimes it can be difficult […]
Infographic: How Marketers Use Mobile
We all know that smartphones and tablets are everywhere. Ignoring the mobile traffic to your brand’s website can be a serious mistake. Learn how marketers are taking advantage of the mobile revolution: [hr style=”1″] [box style=”1″][hs_action id=”6635″][/box]
Top 3 Metrics Your Marketing Department MUST Track
We all know that solid data is the foundation of solid decision making. If only it were that simple. A tool like Google Analytics or your marketing automation platform will track a plethora of numbers for you. Bounce rates, unique visitors, average time on page, page views, social shares, comments, form submissions, leads generated, and […]