4 things you need to know about SEO
If you are wondering why your website isn’t generating leads like it used to, it may be because you are not appearing on the first page or pages of a Google search. The first page gets more than 98% of all clicks for products and services. Google processes 63K searches per second, and their evolving […]
Are You Working with a Google Partner?
Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Think of how many times you’ve looked up information on a product or company using Google before making a purchase. Probably too many to count right? You’re not alone. 35% of product searches start on Google. And consider this, not only does Google dominate U.S. search engine market share, […]
Are You Working with a Google Partner?
Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Think of how many times you’ve looked up information on a product or company using Google before making a purchase. Probably too many to count right? You’re not alone. 35% of product searches start on Google. And consider this, not only does Google dominate U.S. search engine market share, […]
Think Links Don’t Matter for SEO? Google Says They Matter More Than Ever
Tye Odom, my co-author for this article and the SEO manager for Randall-ReilIy explains: “I hear it all the time, whether it’s from an entry level link developer or SEO practitioner all the way up to VP’s of marketing at major corporation. So many of them think Google’s Penguin algorithm meant links are no longer […]
5 Common Myths About Search Engine Optimization
Most marketing campaigns incorporate multiple channels, all of which work together to funnel your audience deeper into the sales lifecycle. Each campaign is different, but the marketing channels are well known and well used: email, social media, digital advertising, search engine marketing, and many others. However, your marketing strategy shouldn’t always focus completely on your […]