The Sales Lifecycle in Action

sales lifecycle

I preach it every day. Now I know what it is like to actually be inside the lifecycle. I am constantly on the prowl for case studies. People need proof, something they can get hold of. Case studies say: “This is real folks, and you can do it too.” So here is the case of […]

Top 10 Things That Happened at Fusable in 2013

Top 10 Things That Happened at Fusable in 2013

It’s that time of year! If everyone is making top 10 lists, then we might as well too. Plus, 2013 was an exciting year for us, and we want you to share in the excitement. So without further ado, here are the top 10 things that happened in 2013 at Fusable. 10. We launched Performance […]

Event-less Data vs. Data-less Events

data and events

Are you treating data and event marketing separately? If you approach these two elements as separate lead generation tactics, you’re missing out and wasting resources. Don’t see it? Let’s discuss. Scenario 1: You purchase data but have no plans to attend an event. Armed with good intel, you know your audience. You know their behavior, preferences, […]

3 Indicators Your Sales Funnel is Broken

Broken Sales Funnel: Target, Connect, Engage, Convert

All of us in marketing or recruiting know about the sales (or recruiting) funnel. It’s the sales lifecycle! And yes, it’s disappointing that so little comes out at the end with all the effort that we marketers put into the top. But how can you tell if your sales funnel is broken? First, let’s do […]

WHITE PAPER: Marketing to the Conversion Lifecycle

marketing to the conversion lifecycle

New technologies have segmented audiences and rendered the traditional mentality of marketing useless.  This is great news for you! By using the sales lifecycle you can target your marketing efforts much more effectively and reach your audience with greater precision. This white paper explains the conversion lifecycle, details what tools you need, and provides examples […]