Are You Following-Up with Your Website Visitors?

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Quick question. Do you know who is visiting your website(s) or other online quality content? You pour money into steering people to landing pages or home pages and once they’re there . . . then what? Do you even know who they are? If not . . . via […]
Are You Following-Up with Your Website Visitors?

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Quick question. Do you know who is visiting your website(s) or other online quality content? You pour money into steering people to landing pages or home pages and once they’re there . . . then what? Do you even know who they are? If not . . . via […]
Top 6 Marketing Resources for Dealers

Marketing for a dealership presents unique challenges. Mostly targeting. You have a very specific prospect and more than likely a very specific area of responsibility. This makes advertising more complicated. Mass marketing is out of the question. So what works? In order from top to bottom, here are the top 6 marketing resources for equipment […]