3 types of data that will power sales performance

By the time your sales team identifies a prospective customer, their decision of what to buy, and who to buy from, is all but made. Seventy percent of the buyer’s journey takes place before they even contact a sales representative. When faced with the fact that it now takes eight cold calls before reaching a […]
3 types of data that will power sales performance

By the time your sales team identifies a prospective customer, their decision of what to buy, and who to buy from, is all but made. Seventy percent of the buyer’s journey takes place before they even contact a sales representative. When faced with the fact that it now takes eight cold calls before reaching a […]
3 things you need to do to boost consumer engagement

Making sure your audience feels connected to your company is vital for success, but Gallup recently reported only 31% of consumers feel engaged with B2B companies. Why should that matter to you? Successfully engaging with consumers reaps several benefits, including: 50% higher revenue/sales 33% higher likelihood of being the consumer’s first choice when doing business […]
Get to prospects before your competition does during the coronavirus pandemic

Wouldn’t it be a game changer if you could predict when and what equipment your prospects were planning to buy? As the coronavirus (COVID-19) leads some prospects to reevaluate or cut back on their expenses, identifying the best prospects for your company is an important factor in future growth. To experience significant success selling equipment, […]
Attracting Online Prospects to Your Dealership

Truck dealers understand the importance of walk-in prospects. The nature of your equipment demands customers come to your locations, not only to get a closer look at your inventory, but also to drive your equipment to see if it’s the right fit for them. Ideally, these interactions end in new business and enable you to […]
Data’s Role in Dealership Marketing

[testimonial author=”William Shakespeare”]“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.”[/testimonial] According to that quote, wisdom is the awareness that you don’t know everything. As dealers, you know that you don’t know every potential prospect out there. You know that you don’t know everyone who needs parts […]