How to increase customer satisfaction by finding out their pain points

You may think you know what your customers think about your company, but you don’t really know until you directly ask. Finding your company’s net promoter score is a good start in determining your customer’s pain points and what you can do to address them. Businesses need to be aware of the pain points that […]
How to increase customer satisfaction by finding out their pain points

You may think you know what your customers think about your company, but you don’t really know until you directly ask. Finding your company’s net promoter score is a good start in determining your customer’s pain points and what you can do to address them. Businesses need to be aware of the pain points that […]
4 things you need to know about SEO

If you are wondering why your website isn’t generating leads like it used to, it may be because you are not appearing on the first page or pages of a Google search. The first page gets more than 98% of all clicks for products and services. Google processes 63K searches per second, and their evolving […]
How to create compelling customer testimonial videos

Like nearly 95% of all shoppers, I seldom make a purchase without consulting online reviews and asking peers about their experience with the product. But, with all things being equal, a recommendation from a peer will tip the scale. In fact, 97% of B2B customers cited user testimonials and peer recommendations as the most reliable […]
Find Your Customer’s Pain Point

Remember the last time you went to the doctor? When he finally walked into the room, did he immediately begin talking about all the features and benefits of the latest drug or treatment? Of course not! He asked, “Where does it hurt?” Why would you even be at the doctor if something wasn’t wrong? Pain […]