3 types of email newsletters you can use to attract customers

Newsletter Image on Tablet

Email newsletters are a popular and powerful marketing tool. In fact: ·  Email marketing has a 4,200% ROI ·  Four out of five marketers would rather give up social media marketing than email marketing ·  Thirty-one percent of B2B marketers say email newsletters are the best way to nurture leads You can get these benefits […]

3 ways to turbocharge your email newsletter

laptop with incoming email newsletter

Some marketing strategies cast a wide net but, when you put your marketing dollars into e-newsletters, you reach a highly targeted audience right where they are working: their email inbox. In fact, information sent via email instead of social media is five times more likely to be seen, and email marketing can produce an average […]

5 Keys for Email Marketing Prosperity

Email Marketing

Contrary to what you might have heard, or perhaps wished, email’s not dead. There’s even a website to prove it! We check our devices an average of 46 times a day, and nearly 34% of us check our email around the clock. Despite the rise of social media, and messaging apps like Slack, email appears […]

5 Keys for Email Marketing Prosperity

Email Marketing

Contrary to what you might have heard, or perhaps wished, email’s not dead. There’s even a website to prove it! We check our devices an average of 46 times a day, and nearly 34% of us check our email around the clock. Despite the rise of social media, and messaging apps like Slack, email appears […]