3 Ways to Stop Wasting Good Leads

stacks and stacks of paper on office desk

The process of turning potential customers into active buyers can look pretty similar for many businesses in the B2B world. You are familiar with the process. It is the sales/conversion lifecycle or funnel: Target: Identify who you want to reach. Connect: Connect with them through your advertising on various platforms. Engage: Sort through leads and […]

The Unsung Heroes of Lead Generation

The Unsung Heroes of Lead Gen

As marketers, we know the ins and outs of lead generation campaigns. We should. It’s our job to know. So we know what it takes to build them: A targeted audience + A strong and clearly expressed message + High quality creative + Conversion points + Efficient follow-up = An Effective Campaign. There are other […]

10 Common Lead Generation Mistakes

Top 10 Lead Gen Mistakes

You’ve done it. You’ve built what you deemed “the perfect marketing strategy.” But you’re not getting the results you want. Instead, there are leads leaking through the unseen holes in your lead generation efforts, and you can’t seem to pinpoint the issue. What is keeping your campaigns from being successful? It may help to be […]