Fusable Appoints Matthew Cox as Chief Data Officer

Fusable, a pioneer in data-driven solutions for the transportation, agriculture, and construction industries, announced the appointment of Matthew Cox as Chief Data Officer. Cox will drive the company’s data and product strategies, oversee its data management, and ensure it retains the highest data quality and security frameworks. With a proven track record in data and […]
4 things you need to know about SEO

If you are wondering why your website isn’t generating leads like it used to, it may be because you are not appearing on the first page or pages of a Google search. The first page gets more than 98% of all clicks for products and services. Google processes 63K searches per second, and their evolving […]
How to create compelling customer testimonial videos

Like nearly 95% of all shoppers, I seldom make a purchase without consulting online reviews and asking peers about their experience with the product. But, with all things being equal, a recommendation from a peer will tip the scale. In fact, 97% of B2B customers cited user testimonials and peer recommendations as the most reliable […]
Stop Wasting Offline Data – VIDEO

Whether you know it or not, you have an abundance of data about your customers. It can be a major cog in your marketing machine if you take advantage of it. I’m talking about all the bits and pieces of information you have collected referred to as offline data. So, why aren’t you using it? […]
The Importance of Being Mobile-First – VIDEO

Why is making sure you are mobile friendly so important today? Ever since mobile Google searches began to overtake desktop searches we all knew that Google would eventually change how they approached ranking or indexing their search results. And that’s exactly what they did. When there are two versions of a website (mobile and desktop) […]
Digital Marketing Hypertargeting – VIDEO

The more specific and targeted you are, the greater your chances of converting a prospect to a customer. Knowing the likes and dislikes of potential customers can help identify the most likely buyers to what you have to offer. Here’s how hypertargeting marketing can take your digital marketing to the next level. [box] Want a […]
How to Create Stand-out Ad Creative (Part 2)

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] [box] Consulted with Kim Walker, the senior manager of client services here at Fusable, for extensive information on the following topic. [/box] In our last article (How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative Part 1), we focused on how to set your marketing apart from your competitors’ by using ad […]
How to Create Stand-out Ad Creative (Part 2)

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] [box] Consulted with Kim Walker, the senior manager of client services here at Fusable, for extensive information on the following topic. [/box] In our last article (How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative Part 1), we focused on how to set your marketing apart from your competitors’ by using ad […]
How to Create Stand-out Ad Creative (Part 1)

[box] Consulted with Kim Walker, the senior manager of client services here at Fusable, for extensive information on the following topic. [/box] In this day and age where the web browsing experience is so heavily saturated with ads, it can be difficult to grab your audience’s attention with your marketing. In other words, your ads […]
Fundamental Truths of Marketing

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Marketing is constantly evolving. And with every new technological breakthrough comes new ways to target and communicate with prospective customers. We’ve seen digital marketing evolve from simple banner ads to using tools like Google Search, geo-fencing, Facebook, and an increasing trend of utilizing AI or complex algorithms. With every […]