Could You be Getting More Out of Your Facebook Campaigns?

Despite some in the marketing world being worried that Facebook is losing users, the social media giant is still the world’s most popular social networking site. In fact, Facebook actually saw an 11% increase in monthly active users year over year in 2018. The popularity of the site coupled with the growing ad options means […]
A Handy Facebook Advertising Cheat Sheet

Like an unstoppable ocean, Facebook just keeps growing. And expanding. Brace yourself for charts. At the rate they’re going, Facebook is projected to be worth a cool $78.3 billion by 2022. What’s driving all this ridiculous growth? Facebook continues to mature and deliver as a lucrative, targeted advertising platform. There is money to be made, […]
Don’t Get Left Behind with Facebook Ads!

You’ve probably noticed we write quite a bit about Facebook. Despite all the gripes people have about fake news, annoying trolls, random friend requests, and silly status updates (‘Cap’n Crunch for breakfast, YOLO!’), Facebook now has nearly 1.8 billion active users. Facebook continues to skyrocket as an advertising platform as well. They claim to have […]
Practical Digital Targeting: Offline-to-Online

In the not so distant past, we used to count on customers making a purchase or filling out a form online in order to stockpile pertinent information about them. Data largely flowed in an online-to-offline direction. We collected information in a passive, reactive manner. But with the proliferation of remarketing tags, social media, robust CRM […]
Practical Digital Targeting: Offline-to-Online

In the not so distant past, we used to count on customers making a purchase or filling out a form online in order to stockpile pertinent information about them. Data largely flowed in an online-to-offline direction. We collected information in a passive, reactive manner. But with the proliferation of remarketing tags, social media, robust CRM […]
3 New Facebook Ad Features You Need to Know About

Admit it. At one point, you had written off social media as a marketing and advertising tool. You thought it was a fad that would eventually disappear. And (if you did think that) you were wrong, just like the vast majority of marketers and advertisers. In the past, Facebook ads were almost universally dismissed. Now, […]