Factors That Make Campaign Performance Unclear

Unclear Campaign Performance

The buyer’s side of the buying process is usually straightforward. A need or want for a certain product arises, research is done to decide on the best vendor with the best price, and a purchase is made (or equipment is financed). What a buyer does not see is the other side of the process, your […]

Factors That Make Campaign Performance Unclear

Unclear Campaign Performance

The buyer’s side of the buying process is usually straightforward. A need or want for a certain product arises, research is done to decide on the best vendor with the best price, and a purchase is made (or equipment is financed). What a buyer does not see is the other side of the process, your […]

Marketing to the Facebook Fixation

Cater to Facebook

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] You’re on Facebook, I’m on Facebook, we’re all on Facebook. The massive numbers of users is one of the primary reasons so many companies across all industries have flocked to the social media platform to reach their target audiences. Facebook has responded by adding all sorts of ad types, […]

Reaching Your Ideal Prospect Online

Reach the Ideal Prospect Online

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Quick question. How much time do you spend online? Well, if you’re anything like the average American, you’re likely spending somewhere in the range of 24 hours a week online in some fashion. And that number is from early 2018. Our dependance and love for all things internet is […]

Attracting Online Prospects to Your Dealership

Dealership Website Traffic

Truck dealers understand the importance of walk-in prospects. The nature of your equipment demands customers come to your locations, not only to get a closer look at your inventory, but also to drive your equipment to see if it’s the right fit for them. Ideally, these interactions end in new business and enable you to […]

Effective Marketing Tells a Story

Telling Stories in Marketing

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] [two_third]Have you noticed that a lot of today’s biggest brands are telling stories with their ads? Don’t believe me? Did you happen to watch a little thing called the Super Bowl this year? The big game has become ground zero for advertisers looking to make a splash. This year […]

Are You Following-Up with Your Website Visitors?

Follow-Up with Website Visitors

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Quick question. Do you know who is visiting your website(s) or other online quality content? You pour money into steering people to landing pages or home pages and once they’re there . . . then what? Do you even know who they are? If not . . . via […]

Are You Following-Up with Your Website Visitors?

Follow-Up with Website Visitors

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Quick question. Do you know who is visiting your website(s) or other online quality content? You pour money into steering people to landing pages or home pages and once they’re there . . . then what? Do you even know who they are? If not . . . via […]

Stop Wasting Money with Your Marketing

Wasted Marketing Spend

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Marketing is a highly competitive and expensive business to be in these days. A critical component of success in the current environment is effective targeting and the elimination of wasteful spending. The problem of wasteful spending has been around since the dawn of marketing. One of marketing’s pioneers, John […]

Find Your Customer’s Pain Point

Customer Pain Points

Remember the last time you went to the doctor? When he finally walked into the room, did he immediately begin talking about all the features and benefits of the latest drug or treatment? Of course not! He asked, “Where does it hurt?” Why would you even be at the doctor if something wasn’t wrong? Pain […]