What’s Your Definition of a Marketing Goal?

What Are Your Marketing Goals_

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] I once saw an interesting definition of the word ‘goal’. It was defined as the destination of a journey. That definition applies very much to marketing. The journey between the start of your marketing efforts and your destination—your company’s overall goal of revenue growth—can seem like a very long […]

3 Ways Programmatic Advertising is Changing the Game

Programmatic Advertising

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] If you have anything to do with the marketing industry you’ve probably been hearing a lot about programmatic advertising and marketing for the past few years. And as technology and tactics improve you’re only going to hear about it even more. But if you’re anything like me when I […]

How to Create Stand-out Ad Creative (Part 2)

How to Create Stand-out Creative (Part 2)

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] [box] Consulted with Kim Walker, the senior manager of client services here at Fusable, for extensive information on the following topic. [/box] In our last article (How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative Part 1), we focused on how to set your marketing apart from your competitors’ by using ad […]

How to Create Stand-out Ad Creative (Part 2)

How to Create Stand-out Creative (Part 2)

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] [box] Consulted with Kim Walker, the senior manager of client services here at Fusable, for extensive information on the following topic. [/box] In our last article (How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative Part 1), we focused on how to set your marketing apart from your competitors’ by using ad […]

How to Create Stand-out Ad Creative (Part 1)

Create Stand-Out Ad Creative

[box] Consulted with Kim Walker, the senior manager of client services here at Fusable, for extensive information on the following topic. [/box] In this day and age where the web browsing experience is so heavily saturated with ads, it can be difficult to grab your audience’s attention with your marketing. In other words, your ads […]

Fundamental Truths of Marketing

Fundamental Truths of Marketing

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Marketing is constantly evolving. And with every new technological breakthrough comes new ways to target and communicate with prospective customers. We’ve seen digital marketing evolve from simple banner ads to using tools like Google Search, geo-fencing, Facebook, and an increasing trend of utilizing AI or complex algorithms. With every […]

Sell Your Dealership, Not a Brand

Sell Your Dealership, Not a Brand

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Today’s dealerships are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Many have found themselves pigeon-holed into becoming synonymous with whatever brand they are affiliated with. Whether you’re a dealer in the agriculture or construction industry, you need to make sure that your customers know they’re buying more than […]

Sell Your Dealership, Not a Brand

Sell Your Dealership, Not a Brand

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Today’s dealerships are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Many have found themselves pigeon-holed into becoming synonymous with whatever brand they are affiliated with. Whether you’re a dealer in the agriculture or construction industry, you need to make sure that your customers know they’re buying more than […]

You May Only Get One Chance at the Top of the Funnel

You Only Have One Chance at the Top of the Funnel

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Over the past several years a few interesting trends have begun to emerge in the agriculture world. For the fifth year in a row the overall number of farms has decreased while the size of the average farm has increased. From a dealer’s perspective this means there is still […]

You May Only Get One Chance at the Top of the Funnel

You Only Have One Chance at the Top of the Funnel

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Over the past several years a few interesting trends have begun to emerge in the agriculture world. For the fifth year in a row the overall number of farms has decreased while the size of the average farm has increased. From a dealer’s perspective this means there is still […]