7 Ways To Make Your Next Open House the Best Ever

a family looking at a new home through an open house event

For construction dealers, open houses represent a unique marketing opportunity. No other approach competes when it comes to developing good will, meeting face-to-face with customers, and demoing to a large, captive audience – all in one day. 7 Ways To Improve Your Open House Events The following are seven elements to a successful open house […]

Marketing in the age of the coronavirus pandemic

looking at overdrive on laptop

If anything is certain about marketing during an era of massive disruption, it’s that there’s an immediate opportunity for your message to be seen where your current and potential customers are congregating. In trucking and construction, it’s highly likely that your prospects are getting their coronavirus (COVID-19) industry news from our media brands like CCJ, […]

Stop Wasting Offline Data – VIDEO

Stop Wasting Offline Data

Whether you know it or not, you have an abundance of data about your customers. It can be a major cog in your marketing machine if you take advantage of it. I’m talking about all the bits and pieces of information you have collected referred to as offline data. So, why aren’t you using it? […]

How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative (Part 2) – VIDEO

How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative (Part 2)

In our previous video, How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative (Part 1) we focused on how to set your marketing apart from your competitors’ by using your ad creative. But as you know, the process of reaching prospects does not stop with setting up great visuals and creating compelling and relevant content for your ads. […]

How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative (Part 1) – VIDEO


In today’s marketplace you are competing not only with other companies like yours, but with companies in other industries whose ads just happen to be on the same webpage as yours. To catch a potential customer’s attention you have to stand out. How exactly can you do that in such a jam packed and competitive […]

3 Ways to Use UCC Data to Find Prospects – VIDEO

3 Ways to UCC Data to Find Prospects

UCC Data is the backbone of our EDA database. But what is UCC data and more importantly, what does that mean for your sales and marketing? We’ve compiled UCC data from all 50 states, verify it for accuracy through several sources, and using experience gathered over several decades, amend the data to add useful information […]

How Seasonality Affects Your Equipment Sales – VIDEO

How Seasonality Affects Your Equipment Sales

There’s more to selling equipment than finding the right buyers. You can get your ads in front of the people most likely to buy from you, but if you catch them at the wrong time, you might as well be advertising to the wrong people. Timing is crucial in your business and knowing when prospects […]

How to be More Data-Driven in Your Marketing – VIDEO

How to Be More Data-Driven in Your Marketing

The goal for every equipment manufacturer is to get their product out there and into the hands of their customers. To do that, companies engage in all kinds of different marketing tactics to attract buyers. But what’s the most effective way to reach people? Is there a tool to get the most out your efforts […]

Dealerships’ Problem with Used Equipment

Dealerships' Problem with Used Equipment

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] All too often heavy equipment dealerships tend to look at used equipment sales as an afterthought. But the truth is used equipment can be a great source of revenue for heavy equipment dealerships. Regardless of whether you focus on trucking, construction, or agriculture, there is a demand for used […]

4 Ways Seasonality Affects Equipment Sales

4 Reasons Seasonality is Important

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] There’s more to selling equipment than finding the right buyers. You can get your ads in front of the people most likely to buy from you, but if you catch them at the wrong time, you might as well be advertising to the wrong people. Timing is crucial in […]