My 6 Core Principles of Marketing

How do you know if your marketing is effective? How can you tell a good idea from a bad one? In the hustle and bustle created by demand for volume and promo sheets, it’s easy to lose sight of what guides us in marketing. What is it that makes what we do good and worthwhile? […]
Edit Your Way to Marketing Mastery

Today we’re discussing a topic that’s near and dear to my heart — editing. I worked as an editor for about five years at my last job. It was an enlightening, character-building experience. Working as an editor forced me to become a fine-print-reading, attention-to-detail guy. It made me a more curious reader and thorough writer. […]
Want to Beat Your Competitors? Here Are Four Ways to Tell Better Stories

If you’re in marketing, recruiting, or sales, you’re in the storytelling business. And if you have competitors — whether you realize it or not — you’re in a storytelling arms race. Of course pricing, service, benefits, and customer experience are paramount for your business, but those who neglect the power of storytelling do so at […]
How to Attract and Retain More Drivers

America’s urgent driver shortage brings to mind the proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’ Nothing forces change like desperation. You either adapt and survive, or ride the status quo into oblivion. You know the challenges. Sky-high turnover, an aging workforce, difficulty appealing to young people, government restrictions, financial hemorrhaging caused by empty trucks… Needless […]
Building Multi-Channel, Conversion-Based Campaigns

Multi-channel marketing sounds fancy, but it’s essentially just ‘interaction with prospects through various platforms.’ A nicer way to put that might be ‘sharing your story through multiple, effective mediums.’ This is something we do every day as human beings. We are naturally multi-channel communicators. When we interact, we use body language, gestures, intonations, and facial […]