How to Successfully Market to the Coming Generations (Part 2 of 2)
In How to Successfully Market to the Coming Generations (Part 1 of 2) we discussed how social media and native advertising are great ways to appeal to the up and coming millennial and z generations. Today we will cover a few more areas to focus on when targeting younger generations. [hr style=”3″ margin=”40px 0px 40px […]
Get the Most Out of Facebook’s News Feed by Feeding Your Audience
Since its founding and debut in 2004, Facebook has grown exponentially and continues to be one of the driving forces in social media. In their first year, while still exclusive to college students, Facebook had already amassed close to one million users. Fast forward to today and that number has grown larger than anyone could […]
Get the Most Out of Facebook’s News Feed by Feeding Your Audience
Since its founding and debut in 2004, Facebook has grown exponentially and continues to be one of the driving forces in social media. In their first year, while still exclusive to college students, Facebook had already amassed close to one million users. Fast forward to today and that number has grown larger than anyone could […]
The Importance of Brand Loyalty
In today’s fast-paced, instant gratification world, there are more choices than ever before. Companies are constantly coming up with new ways to try and get as many eyes on the product as possible. That’s why establishing a brand loyal customer base is crucial in today’s market. But what is brand loyalty? [box style “1”] Brand […]
My 6 Core Principles of Marketing
How do you know if your marketing is effective? How can you tell a good idea from a bad one? In the hustle and bustle created by demand for volume and promo sheets, it’s easy to lose sight of what guides us in marketing. What is it that makes what we do good and worthwhile? […]
Usability and Quality, Not Gimmicks, are Key to SEO Success
We are delighted to present today’s post, which was written by Fusable’s SEO Manager Tye Odom, in conjunction with legendary linking luminary Eric Ward. Search Engine Optimization is a notoriously knotty, complex topic, yet developing a winning SEO strategy is absolutely vital for success in today’s business world. That’s why we’re grateful to Tye and […]
How to Create a Marketing Scorecard
In a bygone era, marketing gained a reputation for being a bit of a loosey-goosey, less-than-precise pursuit. Divining an accurate ROI from newspaper ads, pump toppers, billboards, radio spots and the like was anybody’s guess. Murky marketing guesstimations have something in common with the dodo bird: They don’t fly anymore. The dodo’s demise on the […]
How to Create a Marketing Scorecard
In a bygone era, marketing gained a reputation for being a bit of a loosey-goosey, less-than-precise pursuit. Divining an accurate ROI from newspaper ads, pump toppers, billboards, radio spots and the like was anybody’s guess. Murky marketing guesstimations have something in common with the dodo bird: They don’t fly anymore. The dodo’s demise on the […]
Using Data to Guide Industry Outlook Predictions
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Flying? X-ray vision? Come on that’s weak. How about predicting the future? Now we’re talking. You might not be the next Nostradamus, Professor Xavier, Zoltar (from Big), or even Nate Silver, but you have predictive power at your disposal. Data can give you insight as […]
Building Your E.A.T, and Navigating the Google Jungle
Expertise. Authority. Trustworthiness —> E.A.T. For those intrepid digital swashbucklers unafraid to plumb the depths of data, analytics, advertising, and search engine optimization, Google is a majestic dreamland. It’s richly versatile, expansive, and full of hidden wonders — kind of like an Amazon Rainforest of technology. Anyone can float down the Amazon River (or use […]