Brand Equity Development: Why It’s Important and How To Build It

Female coworker giving brand equity development presentation

Whether your company is B2C or B2B, brand equity development is crucial to its success. That’s because it provides your business with the strategies it needs to improve awareness, gain new customers, and ensure it’s continuing to deliver on your marketing and sales objectives. But there are some key elements to brand development that are important to understand before you dive in. That includes how it differs from branding and the best way to accomplish your brand equity development plan.

Why you should advertise during a downturn, and how to do it right

man in business suit holding rendering images of graphs

The economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic means most nonessential companies are experiencing furloughs and deep cuts throughout their departments. One strategy to save money may be to cut advertising spending while revenue is down. In fact, ad spending dropped 13% during the 2008 recession. But as tempting as it may be, in the long […]

Why you should advertise during a downturn, and how to do it right

man in business suit holding rendering images of graphs

The economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic means most nonessential companies are experiencing furloughs and deep cuts throughout their departments. One strategy to save money may be to cut advertising spending while revenue is down. In fact, ad spending dropped 13% during the 2008 recession. But as tempting as it may be, in the long […]

How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative (Part 2) – VIDEO

How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative (Part 2)

In our previous video, How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative (Part 1) we focused on how to set your marketing apart from your competitors’ by using your ad creative. But as you know, the process of reaching prospects does not stop with setting up great visuals and creating compelling and relevant content for your ads. […]

How to Create Stand-Out Ad Creative (Part 1) – VIDEO


In today’s marketplace you are competing not only with other companies like yours, but with companies in other industries whose ads just happen to be on the same webpage as yours. To catch a potential customer’s attention you have to stand out. How exactly can you do that in such a jam packed and competitive […]

The Influence You Did Not Know You Had Over the Buyer’s Journey

Influence the Buyer's Journey

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Despite how much we marketers want to be a part of every step of a prospect’s purchasing process, aka the buyer’s journey, it just isn’t possible. There are too many parts you simply cannot see. How was that person or business introduced to your brand? How many times did […]

Marketing Tells a Story – VIDEO

Marketing Tells a Story

Why tell someone something when you can show them instead? A page with nothing but text can easily be skimmed over or ignored. Put some bright beautiful images on that same page and you will find people spend more time there. Why? We love visuals. Use every tool you have to tell a better story […]

How to Create Effective Marketing Campaigns – VIDEO

How to Create Effective Marketing Campaigns

It’s easy to get lost in the grind of producing campaign after campaign. But stopping to make sure your campaigns align with the characteristics of a successful campaign is the key to revitalizing your marketing campaigns every now and again. [box] Need Help Getting Started with Your Digital Marketing? [acf field=”cta_18″ post_id=”option”] [/box] Reach Out […]

The Importance of Brand Loyalty – VIDEO

The Importance of Brand Loyalty

Companies are constantly coming up with new ways to try and get as many eyes on the product as possible. That’s why establishing a brand loyal customer base is crucial in today’s market. But what is brand loyalty? Today’s video will cover what brand loyalty is and tell you how you can use it to […]

3 Metrics to Measure Your Brand Awareness Campaigns – VIDEO

3 Metrics to Measure Your Brand Awareness Campaigns

Building your brand is essential, but many find themselves struggling with their brand awareness campaigns. Today we’ll discuss three metrics you can use to measure the effectiveness of your brand awareness campaigns. [box] Need Help with Your Brand Awareness Campaigns? [acf field=”cta_18″ post_id=”option”] [/box] Reach Out on Social Media YouTube Facebook Twitter Listen to All […]