B2B Facebook Marketing Q&A: Stop Falling Behind

Does Facebook marketing really apply to B2B marketing? Is your target audience in the trucking and construction industry on Facebook? We recently held a webinar that answered all those questions and more. You can view the recorded webinar by clicking on the link below. [one_half] (It’s 30 minutes well-spent.) [/one_half][one_half_last] WATCH THE RECORDED WEBINAR: B2B […]
B2B Facebook Marketing Q&A: Stop Falling Behind

Does Facebook marketing really apply to B2B marketing? Is your target audience in the trucking and construction industry on Facebook? We recently held a webinar that answered all those questions and more. You can view the recorded webinar by clicking on the link below. [one_half] (It’s 30 minutes well-spent.) [/one_half][one_half_last] WATCH THE RECORDED WEBINAR: B2B […]