How to Maximize Marketing on a Shoestring Budget


Whether you’re in construction, trucking, or basically any other competitive business milieu, marketing is important. We all know that. Except, of course, for those crotchety, misinformed misanthropes of our world who cling to an outdated view of marketing as some sort of imprecise, ancillary business luxury. Unfortunately, a lot of these people happen to be […]

Broaden Your Horizons (and Audience) with Outside-the-Box Marketing Ideas

Think Outside of the Box

Is your marketing stuck in a rut? Do you constantly draw from the same bag of tricks, with predictable results? If you’re keen to expand your audience, and possibly find some new customers, it’s high time to try some outside-the-box techniques. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Let’s mix it up! [hr style=”3″ […]

4 Reasons to Run a Performance Marketing Campaign

Performance Marketing Image

In so many ways, we’ve become a performance-based nation. Whether you’re talking football, trucks, music, academics, or business — or just comparing shiftless millennial children with your neighbor — we obsess over ‘performance.’ What’s your bottom line? How many titles have you won? What’s your GPA? Cut to the chase — how did the campaign […]

4 Reasons to Run a Performance Marketing Campaign

Performance Marketing Image

In so many ways, we’ve become a performance-based nation. Whether you’re talking football, trucks, music, academics, or business — or just comparing shiftless millennial children with your neighbor — we obsess over ‘performance.’ What’s your bottom line? How many titles have you won? What’s your GPA? Cut to the chase — how did the campaign […]

Maximizing Your Event Marketing

Event Marketing

Even in our increasingly impersonal world of texts, tweets, Tumblr and tech, people still enjoy human interaction. We are social creatures. Whether in social, academic or business settings, we’re wired with the desire to build relationships and seek out camaraderie. You prefer doing business with people you know and trust, right? Yet with all of […]

The Changing Role of Today’s Marketing Department

Marketing Changes Image

Hey, have you heard that thing about the world dramatically, irrevocably changing? Something about social media, the massive proliferation of data, profound content consumption pattern changes, an explosion of consumer options, and worldwide connectivity? Just teasing, I know you’re on it. Every day, it seems, marketing departments are having to adjust, pivot, learn about, and […]

The Changing Role of Today’s Marketing Department

Marketing Changes Image

Hey, have you heard that thing about the world dramatically, irrevocably changing? Something about social media, the massive proliferation of data, profound content consumption pattern changes, an explosion of consumer options, and worldwide connectivity? Just teasing, I know you’re on it. Every day, it seems, marketing departments are having to adjust, pivot, learn about, and […]

The Hardest Part of Marketing

Reality vs Expectations vs Your Expectations

Marketing used to be known as a fluff department. Placing an ad or two, talking about “brand awareness” as this vague thing, putting logos on koozies, etc. . . . you know the stereotypes. But things are changing. Marketers are in the c-suite and are responsible for driving tangible value and shaping organizations. It’s both […]

Are You Generating a Positive ROI at Trucking Industry Trade Shows?

The Great American Trucking Show

In the trucking industry, trade shows are a great way to build brand awareness and also to drive leads. Having the opportunity to interact with lots of potential and existing customers at once is unique. While many marketing campaigns involve driving your audience to landing pages, websites, and microsites, trade shows allow you to interface […]

4 Tips for Prioritizing Your Marketing for ROI

4 Tips for Prioritizing Your Marketing for ROI

You have a million events, ads and close dates, ship dates, sales support, the president of your company wants a presentation . . . You stay awake at night thinking about all the ways you should be updating the website. How is your search ranking? Which keywords should you be targeting? Content marketing? THEN, you’re […]