The Importance of Being Mobile-First – VIDEO

Mobile-First Indexing

Why is making sure you are mobile friendly so important today? Ever since mobile Google searches began to overtake desktop searches we all knew that Google would eventually change how they approached ranking or indexing their search results. And that’s exactly what they did. When there are two versions of a website (mobile and desktop) […]

Digital Marketing Hypertargeting – VIDEO

Digital Marketing Hypertargeting

The more specific and targeted you are, the greater your chances of converting a prospect to a customer. Knowing the likes and dislikes of potential customers can help identify the most likely buyers to what you have to offer. Here’s how hypertargeting marketing can take your digital marketing to the next level. [box] Want a […]

Marketing Tells a Story – VIDEO

Marketing Tells a Story

Why tell someone something when you can show them instead? A page with nothing but text can easily be skimmed over or ignored. Put some bright beautiful images on that same page and you will find people spend more time there. Why? We love visuals. Use every tool you have to tell a better story […]

How to Create Effective Marketing Campaigns – VIDEO

How to Create Effective Marketing Campaigns

It’s easy to get lost in the grind of producing campaign after campaign. But stopping to make sure your campaigns align with the characteristics of a successful campaign is the key to revitalizing your marketing campaigns every now and again. [box] Need Help Getting Started with Your Digital Marketing? [acf field=”cta_18″ post_id=”option”] [/box] Reach Out […]

Read, Watch, or Listen: Consume Great Content the Way You Want

Read, Listen, or Watch Content

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] Our goal is to consistently provide our audience with quality content that is valuable to them. Over the past several weeks we have begun to expand the ways we make that content available to you. We realize that sometimes it’s hard to take the time to sit down and […]

The 5 W’s of Digital Marketing – VIDEO

The 5 W's of Digital Marketing

Taking a page from journalists can help drive success. In the world of reporting, the all important W’s of Who? What? Where? When? and Why? can help aspiring sleuths get all the pertinent information and help them paint the picture. Today’s video will talk about how you can apply the 5 W’s to your digital […]

The 5 W’s of Digital Marketing – VIDEO

The 5 W's of Digital Marketing

Taking a page from journalists can help drive success. In the world of reporting, the all important W’s of Who? What? Where? When? and Why? can help aspiring sleuths get all the pertinent information and help them paint the picture. Today’s video will talk about how you can apply the 5 W’s to your digital […]

4 Ways Seasonality Affects Equipment Sales

4 Reasons Seasonality is Important

Listen to the article: [acf field=”embed_code”] There’s more to selling equipment than finding the right buyers. You can get your ads in front of the people most likely to buy from you, but if you catch them at the wrong time, you might as well be advertising to the wrong people. Timing is crucial in […]

The Importance of Brand Loyalty – VIDEO

The Importance of Brand Loyalty

Companies are constantly coming up with new ways to try and get as many eyes on the product as possible. That’s why establishing a brand loyal customer base is crucial in today’s market. But what is brand loyalty? Today’s video will cover what brand loyalty is and tell you how you can use it to […]

3 Metrics to Measure Your Brand Awareness Campaigns – VIDEO

3 Metrics to Measure Your Brand Awareness Campaigns

Building your brand is essential, but many find themselves struggling with their brand awareness campaigns. Today we’ll discuss three metrics you can use to measure the effectiveness of your brand awareness campaigns. [box] Need Help with Your Brand Awareness Campaigns? [acf field=”cta_18″ post_id=”option”] [/box] Reach Out on Social Media YouTube Facebook Twitter Listen to All […]