[one_half]It’s easy to use words like premier and industry leader to describe yourself. But when peers praise your work with similar phrases the impact is much greater.
At Fusable we manage numerous brands that we consider top notch media providers within their respective industries. We are not the only ones to think so. Last weekend Total Landscape Care took home 7 awards from the TOCA 2013 annual conference.
TLC took home awards for design, content, and social media innovation as well as securing two prestigious Gardener Awards.
[testimonial author=”Lauren Dowdle, editor-at-large, TLC”] “We love what we do, so to be recognized for it is a huge added bonus. It was especially exciting to win for our social media and website work, since we spend a big chunk of our time connecting with readers online.”[/testimonial]
Follow TLC on social media for award-winning content.
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