I realize this title is a bit confusing. But many part manufacturers within trucking and construction only sell through distributors and dealers or at least this represents a large margin of the sales.
Distributors and dealers will certainly carry a part if they feel their customers are interested in it. So the question then becomes: How do you get end-users to express the desire for your products to the channels of which your products are sold?
And if you can accomplish that, how do you track it?
Here is a 4 step method to get the end-users talking:
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Step 1. Create interest and awareness
The next 3 steps depend heavily on this first step. While it sounds like the “go to answer” for all marketing plans, skip this step and everything else fails. Let’s assume your products are great. To communicate this you’re going to need A) content and B) distribution channels for that content.
It is hard to beat video for product showcase. Video showcase and customer testimonial will be two of the best routes for communicating your capabilities.
For distribution channels I would suggest a strong social element. Another way to reach your potential end-users is through other industry brands. They have already built engagement and brand recognition. You can partake in this through contextual targeting.
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Step 2. Devise some sort of discount value
Despite having a great product or service you will need to add a little more motivation. Offer a discount to any customer who requests to order your product through a dealer or distributor. Also offer some sort of value to distributor/dealer who agrees to carry your products.
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Step 3. Promote discount through online channels
SEM and banner display are great ways to connect to customers. If you can target correctly, you can connect to customers while securing leads at a sustainable cost. Figure out your top competitors and set your SEM to target keywords around their brand. Make sure your banner creative is conducive to high click rates. Create a sense of urgency with your calls-to-action and drive traffic to a landing page not your corporate website.
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Step 4. Track use through downloadable vouchers
How can you track all this? Let’s assume you created demand for your product, and your online campaign is targeted correctly. Make your discount available to customers if they download a voucher. By using unique numbers on the vouchers, you can track how many are redeemed at dealerships/distributors. If you form-gate that voucher, you can secure leads for your database.
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