A call to action is an essential part of your marketing strategy. It improves digital marketing performance by increasing the likelihood that your prospects will convert.
It can increase engagement and revenue among customers as well. If they’re interested in something you’re offering, whether it’s a free content download or a new product, then they’ll need a clear next step to follow to take action.
Unfortunately, your marketing performance could easily suffer if you make these four CTA fails.
1. Hard to find
Your audience should be able to spot your CTA almost immediately, without it being intrusive. Make sure it doesn’t blend in too much with the rest of your page or is in an odd spot that’s easily overlooked, like a corner of the screen.
2. Too confusing
Your CTA should have a clear purpose. Simple phrases like “Learn More” or “Contact Us” should be used so your customers immediately understand the next action to take and are more easily guided down the buyer’s journey. A full sentence or overly descriptive phrase is likely too long for your CTA.
3. Not visually appealing
The color palette of your CTA should fit in with the rest of your brand’s color palette, and the text should be large and in a contrasting color. Colors that are too bright or not contrasting enough will make the CTA hard to read and decrease response rates.
4. It’s not making the right prompt
CTAs are meant to gently guide your prospects down the sales funnel and lead them to conversion. However, if you try to force a sale before the prospect is ready to commit, then they may ignore the CTA. For example, if you have a landing page describing a new product, viewers will likely be more receptive to a CTA that says “Learn More” rather than “Purchase Now.”
For many prospects, your CTAs are the reason they take the next step towards conversion. But making your CTA too obscure or confusing, will hurt your conversion rates. You also need to make sure your design communicates the next course of action effectively and consider the visual appeal and text prompt of the CTA, otherwise it won’t actually encourage prospects to continue down the sales funnel.
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